- 360 Environmental
- Abesque Engineering Ltd
- AIG Technical Services
- Alinta Sales Pty Ltd
- AMEC Minproc
- Anaeco
- APA Group
- Aurecon Group
- Australian Greenhouse Office
- Australian Plantation Timber
- Austrian Energy and Environment
- Arafura Resources Ltd
- Best Tractor Parts Pty Ltd
- Bethesda Hospital
- BGC Contracting
- BHP Billiton
- Blasting & Explosive Services
- BMT JFA Consultants
- Burns and Roe Worley
- Calibre Projects Pty Ltd
- Challenger College of TAFE
- City of Melville
- City of Cockburn
- Coffey Geotechnics
- Consolidated Minerals Ltd
- Curtin University
- Dampier Salt Ltd
- DBP Pty Ltd
- Decmil
- Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
- Department of Environment and Conservation (WA)
- Department of the Environment and Heritage
- Downer EDI Engineering
- Dundee Precious (Chelopech)
- Durack
- Edith Cowan University
- Enerflex
- Energy Ombudsman
- Esplanade Hotel
- Fast JV
- Fluor Engineering
- Fremantle Hospital
- Fremantle Ports
- GHD Pty Ltd
- Golder Associates
- Gold Fields Australia
- GRD Minproc
- Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd
- Hatch Associates
- Hawcroft Consulting International
- Heron Resources
- Hollywood Private Hospital
- Horizon Power
- Hyatt Regency Perth
- ICS Global Pty Ltd
- Jellinbah
- Main Roads WA
- Marcus Evans
- Mermaid Marine
- Midland Brick
- Minara Resources Ltd
- MPI Mines
- Murdoch Precinct Group
- Murdoch University
- Munich Re
- MYR Consulting
- Newcrest
- Newmont Australia Limited
- Northern Minerals
- Office of Energy WA
- Onyx Projects
- OzMinerals
- Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Pemaco Services
- Pilbara Iron Company
- Plant and Infrastructure Engineering
- Plexal Group Pty Ltd
- Primero
- Queensland Magnesia
- Rio Tinto
- St Ives Gold
- St John of God Healthcare
- Simcoa
- Surplus Electrical Supply
- Synergy
- Terra Nova Technologies
- Total Automation
- University of Western Australia
- VenuesWest
- Veolia
- Verve Energy
- Watpac Civil & Mining Pty Ltd
- WaterCorp
- Weir Minerals Australia Ltd
- Western Australian Electoral Commission
- Western Power Corporation
- WMC Resources Ltd
- Worley Parsons