Cut Costs by Saving Energy

Significant cost savings can be achieved by identifying opportunities to reduce energy consumption, especially as the cost of energy (primary energy: coal, oil, gas, diesel; and secondary energy: electricity) increases.

Other drivers for reductions in energy consumption today include climate change, sustainability (particularly in regards to energy resources), and energy security. This has resulted in energy supply, consumption, and efficiency becoming major issues.

An energy audit can be used to identify opportunities for energy cost savings. In Australia energy audits should be conducted according to AS NZS 3598:2000 Energy Audits.

Alberfield conducts energy audits for commercial and industrial clients and large public and residential sites. We are also experienced EEO (Energy Efficiency Opportunities) consultants. The EEO program is an Australian Government initiative to encourage large energy-using businesses to improve their energy efficiency. It does this by requiring businesses to identify, evaluate and report publicly on cost effective energy savings opportunities. An energy audit is mandatory as part of this program.

Alberfield’s experience has built a database of energy savings recommendations and associated calculation templates which can be used to determine energy costs and savings estimates for your organisation.

Alberfield has energy auditing and EEO experience with client categories including the following:


  • Hospitals (energy audits) & Aged Care Facilities
  • Offices
  • Governmental Departments
  • Leisure Centres
  • Universities & Colleges
  • Local Councils
  • Hospitality (Hotels, Pubs & Clubs)


  • Energy and Resources (Mining, Public Utilities (Power, Gas, Water, etc))
  • Manufacturing (Printing, Plastics, Paper, Food Processing)

Cost savings have been determined in areas including the following:

  • Lighting (internal and external area and street lighting)
  • HVAC (Heating, ventilation and cooling systems)
  • Power Factor Correction
  • Renewable Energy (solar, wind, bio fuels)
  • Fuel switching (e.g. diesel to CNG/LNG, bio fuels)
  • Boilers (Steam and heating water systems)
  • Hot water services
  • Swimming pools (filtration and heating systems)

For further information on this and other matters related to Energy Audits, contact Alberfield Energy on (08) 9221 4396 or

  • Enquiry Form

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  • Download Capability Statement [PDF]